The EFWorks Library houses curated resources for human services programs to learn about and implement an Executive Function-informed approach to service delivery, with a focus on services to adults. Through the library, you can easily access resources on key concepts and materials to help you think about how you might implement these ideas in your day-to-day work.
The resources available in the EFWorks Library are divided into two key categories: Fundamentals andImplementation. The Fundamentals section focuses on the science and core concepts, while the Implementation section focuses on resources that identify ways in which you can embed an EF-informed approach in your program and examples of organizations that already have done so.
A growing number of organizations across the country are actively integrating EF skills into their human services programs. In program examples, we highlight a diverse set of EF-informed programs so that you can learn from (and perhaps even reach out to) your peers in the field of human services.
The following organizations are developing, field testing and implementing Executive Function-informed tools and resources for human service programs across the country. These organizations are available to provide technical assistance to organizations that would like additional design and implementation support. You can find a short description of their work, the assistance they provide and contact information in Support.